Wednesday, May 25, 2022






1. Pay attention to this step:

1. On your android phone or tablet, open the Gmail app

2. In the bottom right, tap compose

3. In the “To” field, add recipient. You can also add recipient: In the “Cc” and “ Bcc” fields. ...

4. Add a subject

5. Write your message

6. At the top of the page, tap Send

The text shows us how to . . .

A. Use a mobile phone

B. Write text on Gmail

C. Send an email

D. Make a Gmail account

2. Pay attention to  this text:

Tips for Success on the Telephone

Good manners are the key to success on the telephone. Here are a few suggestions.

Speak slowly and pronounce your words clearly. You want the other person understand you.

Speak with a smile. People like to hear a pleasant voice.

Always identify yourself right away. For example, , “Hello, this is Annisa. May I speak to Jennifer Quirk, please?” 

Be sure to leave a complete message. You can say, “Please ask Ms. Quirk to give me a call about the meeting tomorrow” 

Finally, always thank the person you speak with. After all, he or she took the time to talk to you. Be sure to use the person’s name if you know it. Say, “Thank you very much for your help, Ms. Quirk” 

What is the text about? 

A. The steps to use telephone.

B. The ways to speak slowly. 

C. The ways to take message. 

D. The manner to do handling telephone.

3. Pay attention to  this step:

a. To print a file, click File menu and select Print.

b. Make sure that you have your printer installed

c. Choose your printer and specify the required settings before clicking OK. 

d. Select Print to start printing your file.  

e. Your file will be printed in a few moments.

What will happen if you click the Print button?

A.     The printer setting window will appear.

B.     The On-screen Manual will be installed.

C.     The process of printing will start.

D.     The process will be finished.

4. Pay attention to  this text: 

Step-by-Step Guide to Reconditioning a Battery....

Create a cleaning solution . Use a 2-to-1 ratio of baking soda to water to create a runny paste. This mixture will serve as a battery cleaner as well as an acid spill cover-up.

Clean the battery. If the battery terminals are corroded, apply the cleaning paste (or a dedicated battery cleaning product) to the posts and scrub the build-up off with a toothbrush. A foaming reaction means the solution is working. Use steel wool for heavily-corroded batteries. Clean, wipe, and dry off the terminals completely.

Verify the voltage. Connect the voltmeter. Like jumpstarting a car, the red cable connects to the positive terminal and the black cable to the negative terminal. A standard car battery contains six cells, each producing about 2.1 volts. Therefore, a healthy battery will read 12.6V. Between 10V and 12.6V will mean you can recondition the battery. At less than 10V, replace the battery instead.

Empty the battery cells. Until now, you did not need to remove the vehicle's battery. At this point, however, you should. Have a bucket and a half-pound of baking soda nearby. Take the battery cover off and use the flathead screwdriver to remove the cell caps underneath. One by one, slowly empty the cell contents into a bucket. You can add baking soda as you go or after all the cells are empty. Either way, it will neutralize the battery acid for safe disposal at any facility, like a recycling center, that accepts hazardous waste...


What is the function of baking soda in the phase of emptying the battery?

A.Speed up the process of recharge battery

B.Neutralize the battery acid for safe disposal

C.Clean the corroded battery

D.Charge until the normal readings, these are about 12.42V

5. Pay attention to  this text: 

a.Set the Reading to Fahrenheit or Celsius. You can move the toggle switch easily to change your measurement to Fahrenheit or Celsius.

b.Set the Measurement Unit. Choose what kind of reading you’re doing – food, body temperature, etc.

c.Turn on the Laser Gun. The power button turns on the gun for use.

d.Aim the Gun. Aim the gun to the object or person. Make sure there is nothing blocking the gun and target.

e.Get Close. Get close to the object or person – between one and two feet.

f.Pull the Trigger. Pulling the trigger gives an instant infrared reading on the gun’s display.

From the text above, we can conclude that the best title is ....

A. How to Set the Reading to Fahrenheit or Celsius

B. How to Use a Thermometer Gun

C. How to Set the Measurement Unit

D. How to Turn on the Laser Gun

6. Pay attention to  this text: 

Log in to your YouTube account. Click on the video icon at the top right hand side of the window, which can be found next to your user icon, messages, apps, and notifications.  Click ‘Upload Video.’ Then, press ‘select files to upload’ to find the video file saved on your computer. Or, you can drag and drop it into the window. An optional step is to choose the privacy settings on your video.

”Click Upload Video”, the word ‘upload’ has the same meaning with ….

A. Transfer

B. Take

C. Copy

D. Move

7. Pay attention to  this text: 

How to use soldering iron

1. Melt a little solder on the tip of the iron

2. The tip of the soldering iron should be a shiny silver color. If it is black and pitted, replace it with a new one.

3. Place the soldering iron in its stand and plug it in into electric plug.

4. Wait for the soldering iron to heat up.

5. Wipe the tip of the iron on the damp sponge. This will clean the tip.

6. Moisten a soldering sponge.

The best arrangement of the text is . . .

A. 6-4-1-3-2-5

B. 1-3-2-4-2-6

C. 2-3-6-1-4-5  

D. 3-4-6-5-1-2

8. Pay attention to  this text: 

Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat.Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re your waist.Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling a cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in case of emergency.The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.We wish you an enjoyable flight.

Where is the life jacket located?

A. Over the head

B.Outside the aircraft

C.In the back of the seat.

D. Under the seat.

9. Pay attention to  this text: 

This is few tips for managing stress. First, working out regularly is one of the best ways to relax your body and mind. Plus, exercise will improve your mood. But you have to do it often for it to pay off.So how much should you exercise every week?Work up to 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise like brisk walks or 75 minutes of a more vigorous exercise like swimming laps, jogging or other sports. Focus on setting fitness goals you can meet so you don’t give up. Most of all remember that doing any exercise is better than none at all.

Second, when you’re stressed, your muscles get tense. You can help loosen them up on your own and refresh your body by stretching, enjoying a massage, taking a hot bath or shower, getting a good night’s sleep

Third, stopping and taking a few deep breaths can take the pressure off you right away. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel once you get good at it. Just follow these steps: sit in a comfortable position with your hands in your lap and your feet on the floor. Or you can lie down; close your eyes; imagine yourself in a relaxing place. It can be on the beach, in a beautiful field of grass, or anywhere that gives you a peaceful feeling; slowly take deep breaths in and out; do this for 5 to 10 minutes at a time....

What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. Sit in a comfortable position with your hands.

B. Stopping and taking a few deep breaths.

C. exercise will improve your mood.

D. Getting a good night’s sleep

10. Pay attention to  this text: 

How to Record a Video Using a Smartphone

There are many important events happen in our life such as your 17th birthday. And of course, you want to keep a remembrance so you could not forget it. Here are steps on how to record a video using a smartphone.Firstly, open your camera app slide to find the video menu.Next, find the best angle for your video shoot. Don't forget to choose portrait or landscape mode. Your smartphone orientation is important to the result.After that, tap the record button. Usually, it is red circle button and your smartphone will start recording.If you want to end the record, tap the stop button. It is rectangular red shaped button. Your video will be saved automatically to your phone storage or slot card because it depends on your setting.

What is the second step to record a video using smartphone?

A. Open your camera app to find the video menu

B. Find the best angle for your video shoot.

C. Tap the record button

D. Tap the stop button

11. Pay attention to  this text: 

This is You Tube SEO Tips for your video. First, rename your video file using a target keyword. Next, insert your keyword naturally in the video title. Next, optimize your  video description. Next, tag your video with popular keywords that relate to your topic. After that, categorize your video. Next, upload a custom thumbnail image for your video’s result link. After that, use an SRT file to add subtitles and closed captions. Finally, add Cards and End Screens to increase your You Tube channel’s viewership.

Which is TRUE according to the text?

A.Insert a keyword randomly in the video title. 

B.Generalize your video. 

C.Upload a default thumbnail image for your video’s result link

D.Attach Cards and End Screens to increase your You Tube channel’s viewership.

12. Pay attention to  this text: 

This will help you to save the data usage on your android smartphone. The following are the ways to Save your internet data on Android Smartphone.

Step 1) Avoid streaming content.

Step 2) Restrict App background data.

Step 3) Use the Chrome Data Saver feature for browsing.

Step 4) Turn off Auto Update apps and switch update Wi-Fi only.

Step 5) Use light Version of Apps.


One of tips to make save our internet data is ..

A. Avoid watching videos

B. Do not Surfing the internet using Chrome data saver feature

C. Update apps continuously with auto update setting.

D. Install pro version of apps 

13. Pay attention to  this text: 

Tips for you to use when it comes to short-answer questions in the IELTS Listening Module.

a. Skim and scan the questions in your booklet before you listen, then determine what situation                might be required.

b. Predict the type of information you should listen for (e.g. "How far has" indicates distance).

c. Be alert for synonyms and paraphrases. There will be times when the information expressed in                the question would not be expressed in the same way as those you would get to hear.

d. Read instructions carefully.

e. Write what you hear. The needed information is always exactly in the form that you should place            in the blanks.

f. Note the maximum number of words you should write.

g. Check your spelling.

The word  “determine” (step a)has a similar meaning to….




D. Judge 

14. Pay attention to  this text: 

1. Don’t take images at face value

2. First, Develop a critical mindset. Keep your emotional response to such stories in check.

3. Finally,use your common .Check that it “soiunds right”. Use your common sense!

4. Check the source . check the web address for the page your reading

5. Then,Examine the evidence. a credible news story will include plenty of facts,quote from                        expert, survey data and official statistics.

6. Next, See who else is reporting the story.

The good arrangement for “how to spot hoax news” is ....





15. The students’ questions are always ________ by the teacher.





16. Pramuka is one of the extracurricular activities. It ________followed by grade 10 students in SMK.

1. Must be

2. Will be

3. has to be

4. Would be

5. Should be

Which phrase might be used to fill the blank ?

A.2, 4, 1

B.1, 3, 5

C.2, 4, 5

D.4, 2, 5

17. Pay attention to  this text: 

Bashar : How many books can I borrow from the library?

Librarian :  _____ three books for three days.

Bashar : What about if I want another book?

Librarian :  They must be returned before you take another one.

The best sentence to fill the blank is ...

A.Your  books should be checked for 

B.Every student is allowed to borrow 

C.The librarian may be borrowed for

D.The books can be renamed

18. Pay attention to the following phrases:

1. is pointed

2. is reserved

3. was promoted

4. was trusted

What are the best word can fill this sentence

“Don’t you know, he______ to be General Manager in his Hotel.”




D. 1,2,4

19. We called the committee to ask whether the competition ______ to begin that afternoon.

A. was scheduled

B. to scheduled

C. was scheduling

D. to be scheduled

20. Pay attenion to this dialogue:

Budi  : Why does he panic?

Anna : He is panic because his name ______ by the principal. called

B.was called

C.are called

D.were called

21. Riqsa: Why do you go to school by public transport? Where is your motorcycle?

      Andri: It broke down yesterday. ______  in the workshop near my house

      A. It is being repaired

      B. I will buy a new one

      C. My mother doesn't like my motorcycle

      D. The mechanic who repairs my motorcycle graduated from SMK

22. Andi : Why does she panic?

Doni : she is panic because her name ______ by the teacher.

A. is called

B. was called

C. are called

D. were called

23. A: Why can’t I find my script files on this laptop?

      B: It already gone because the laptop . . . . yesterday.

A. Be fixed

B. Fixed

C. Was fixed

D. Are fixed

24. Pay attention to this dialogue: 

Hendry : Did you hear the news that Mrs. Nike angry with Dika?

Kenzi : Yes, I did. It was caused by a ball, wasn’t it?

Hendry : Yes, it was. The ball was kicked and broke some glasses at the teacher’s office.

Kenzi : I saw his face. He was a dead fish at the teacher’s office.

Hendry : Yes, you’re right. He has been punished.

The word ‘caused’ (in Kenzi’s speech) has similar meaning with …





25. Pay attention to this dialogue :

Zulfa : Have you been having any problems lately?

Salwa : No, but the nurse at the Nur Said clinic said that I have very high blood pressure.

Zulfa : Do you have a history of high blood pressure?

Salwa : No, I have never been told that I have high pressure. I also have no problem in consuming any food.

Zulfa : High blood pressure is called the silent killer because it hardly ever has symptoms, so it will be better for you to pay attention to your eating pattern and life style to make your body fit.

Salwa : Thanks for your valuable suggestions.

Based on dialogue above, the true statement of the high blood pressure is.......

A. The high blood pressure is happened because of family history of them

B.The high blood pressure is happened because consuming any food

C.The high blood pressure is called the silent killer beacuse it hardly ever has symptoms

D.The high blood pressure is called the big problem but don’t need to eating pattern and life style

26. Pay attention to this dialogue :

Sonya : Oh, no. I forgot to bring my English textbook.

Dara : Don’t worry, Sonya. If you don’t bring your textbook, Mr. Adam __________. Last week Nico didn’t bring his textbook and Mr. Adam said that it was okay, so he lent him one.

Sonya : Really? That’s a relief!

Dara : Yeah. Mr. Adam is a kind teacher.

A.Will lend you one

B.Would lend the book

C.Would have the book one

D.Will have the book for you

27. If he ______ the book, I will borrow it in my university library.



C.Does have

D.Doesn’t have

28. If it rains, the grass ______ wet.

A. gets

B. got

C. Is getting

D. was gotten

29. If you _______ earlier, you would reached school on time.

A. wake up

B. woke up

C. woken up

D. had woken up

30. If you ____ harder, you would ____ the exam.

A. studied – passed – passes

C. studied – pass

D. study – pass

31. Pay attention to this dialogue.

Dani : Hi, Oscar. Why you looks so bad.

Oscar : I feel bad about Henna.

Dani : Why? What happened to her?

Oscar : It is because she almost gets better position in this company. If she had more                                            patient, she ______ the opportunity.

The best phrase to fill the blank is . . .

A. would have lost

B. wouldn’t have lost

C. will get

D. would get

32. Teacher : You'll get good scores in your exam ______ in your study.

Student : We'll do it, ma'am.

A. When you don't forget

B. If you are more serious

C. If you remember me

D. When you like the lesson

33. Pay attention to this dialogue:

Armand : Hello Joe. How are You???

Joe    : Hey Armand, Yes I am Fine

Armand : Are you doing job in this company Joe???

Joe  : No. I just send my CV to this company!!!

Armand  : What is your plan if you get the job in this company

Joe : If I ______ a job in this company. I ______ buy a house for my family

Based on dialogue in above, please complete the italic sentence with the best word… 

A. Get, Will

B. Got, Would

C. Gotten, Would Have

D. Get, Would Have Been

34. Anisa : Mia spends her holiday in America!

    Dea : Wow, she’s so lucky. She has a lot of money.

      Anisa : If I were her, _________________________

      Dea : Nice. I would do the same.

A.I didn’t buy anything

B.I would buy a car and build a big house for my family.

C.I should buy some foods

D. I wouldn’t buy anything  

35. Pay attention to this dialogue

John : Boss was mad to me this morning.

Bucky : Why?

John : I drop a glass of coffee in front of him. If I knew there was a glass there, I would not move that table.

Bucky : I think you neet to move carefully next time.

John : Yeah. 

From the text “If I knew there was a glass there, I would not move that table.”, we know that . . . 

A. Bucky have a glass of cofee.

B. John accidentally dropped a glass.

C. The boss want a glass of coffee on his table.

D. The boss drop a glass of coffee this morning.

36. Pay attention to this dialogue:

Anne : What do you usually do on your holiday? 

Rose : If I stay at home, ________________

Anne : You don’t go anywhere? 

Rose : I go to the cinema if I my sister asks me. 

Anne : What kind of movie you watch at cinema?

Rose : I always watch thriller whenever I go to cinema.

Anne : It sounds exciting.

Rose : It’s not exciting if my sister suddenly wants to watch another genre.

A. I spend time with my sister.

B.I will go to Dino Land.

C.I will visit my grandma.

D.I will go to the Mall.

37. Pay attention to this text:

Ir. Soekarno was born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 and died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970 at age 69 years. He  is Indonesia’s first president who served two terms from 1945 to 1966. He played an important role for the liberation of Indonesia from Dutch colonialism. He provided Pancasila concept and was proclaimed Indonesian independence along with Mohammad Hatta which occurred on August 17, 1945.

What is the text about?

A. Pancasila concepts

B. Indonesia Presidents

C. Life story about Ir. Soekarno

D. Mohammad Hatta and Ir. Soekarno

38. Pay attention to this text:

Ir. Soekarno was born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 and died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970 at age 69 years. He  is Indonesia’s first president who served two terms from 1945 to 1966. He played an important role for the liberation of Indonesia from Dutch colonialism. He is a digger Pancasila and was proclaimed Indonesian independence along with Mohammad Hatta which occurred on August 17, 1945

How long Ir. Soekarno served as first preaident Indonesia?

A.Two terms from 1901 to 1970

B.Two terms from 1901 to 1945

C.Two terms from 1945 to 1970

D.Two terms from 1945 to 1966

39. Pay attention to this text:

R.A Kartini

On April 21,Indonesian celebrate the Kartini Day, the woman emanciation day. Kartini is national hero with the brilliant thought.Kartini was born in 1879 April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her father was Rama Sosroningrat a Wedana in Mayong. Her mother was M.A. Ngasirah from Teluk Awur town in Jepara.Kartini, as the little girl of a respectable family, she had friends from Dutch. Her thought about woman in his tradition compared with modern society, was written in his letter to her friend Mrs. Abendanon.

In november 12, 1903. she was married by Adipati Djoyo Adiningrat, the head of Rembang. He followed his husband to Rembang.

In September 13, 1904, she gave birth a child, Soesalit Djoyoadiningrat. Unfortunately, after bore a baby, her condition become worse. Kartini passed away on september 17, 1904 on her age of 25th.

Why did 21 April celebrate as Kartini Day?

A.Kartini conceived a child on 21 April 1879.

B.Adipati Joyodiningrat married to Kartini at that day.

C.Kartini was born on that date.

D.Soesalit was 25 years old on that time.

40. Pay attention to this text:

R.A Kartini

On April 21,Indonesian celebrate the Kartini Day, the woman emanciation day. Kartini is national hero with the brilliant thought.Kartini was born in 1879 April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her father was Rama Sosroningrat a Wedana in Mayong. Her mother was M.A. Ngasirah from Teluk Awur town in Jepara.Kartini, as the little girl of a respectable family, she had friends from Dutch. Her thought about woman in his tradition compared with modern society, was written in his letter to her friend Mrs. Abendanon.

In november 12, 1903. she was married by Adipati Djoyo Adiningrat, the head of Rembang. He followed his husband to Rembang.

In September 13, 1904, she gave birth a child, Soesalit Djoyoadiningrat. Unfortunately, after bore a baby, her condition become worse. Kartini passed away on september 17, 1904 on her age of 25th.

Which sentence is correct based on the text above?

A. Kartini only has a son

B. Kartini has more than a child

C. Kartini live in Mayong untul she is dead.

D. Kartini and her husband live until old in Rembang.

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