Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Descriptive text merupakan salah satu jenis teks yang mungkin kerap Anda temui dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di berbagai level. Descriptive text disajikan dengan tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda sesuai dengan jenjang pendidikan.

Apakah yang dimaksud dengan descriptive text? Istilah ini sendiri mengacu pada suatu jenis teks yang menjelaskan atau mendeskripsikan suatu objek secara lengkap. Mari kita simak lebih lengkapnya di penjelasan dibawah ini:

Pengertian Descriptive Text

Descriptive text tidak hanya menjabarkan orang atau benda, tetapi terkadang juga mendeskripsikan tempat maupun keadaan. Tujuan dari teks ini adalah untuk menggambarkan atau menjelaskan suatu objek dengan detail baik dari segi sifat, jumlah, keadaan dan lain sebagainya. Jika Anda menjumpai latihan soal descriptive text, Anda bisa mengetahui jenis teks tersebut berdasarkan ciri-ciri yang dimiliki.

Teks deskriptif mempunyai beberapa ciri yang membedakannya dengan jenis teks lain. Adapun ciri-ciri dari descriptive text antara lain:

– Menggunakan simple present tense
– Fokus pada objek tertentu
– Pembaca seolah-olah merasakan langsung apa yang sedang dibahas

Struktur Descriptive Text

Sebelum menuju latihan soal descriptive text, Anda perlu memahami tentang struktur teks. Setiap jenis teks mempunyai struktur tersendiri. Terkait dengan descriptive text, struktur yang biasa digunakan adalah:

1. Identification
Teks deskriptif biasanya didahului dengan identifikasi atau gambaran umum tentang suatu hal yang akan dibahas dalam keseluruhan teks. Dengan membaca bagian identifikasi, Anda bisa menentukan objek yang akan dibicarakan.

2. Description
Setelah identifikasi, bagian selanjutnya adalah deskripsi yang membahas tentang ciri-ciri khusus objek yang sedang dibicarakan. Bagian ini merupakan penjabaran objek secara detail.
Untuk membantu Anda mengenai struktur dan bagian-bagian dari teks deskriptif, perhatikan contoh teks di bawah ini.

Archery is one of extreme sports that can be chosen for your spare time. The fact that archery has been included into one of Olympic sports makes it gain more popularity throughout the world. The sport that involves bow and arrow is both fun and challenging.
Archery does really train your whole body, not only muscle but also mind and feeling. The movement when pulling the bowstring, your position when aiming the target and your preciseness when releasing the string makes archery more than a sport. Nevertheless, not many people can afford this kind of sport. The price of archery set consisting of bow, string, arrow, armrest, face target, stabilizer, arm guard, and chest guard is considered expensive.

Teks deskripsi di atas terdiri dari paragraf identifikasi (par 1) serta paragraf deskripsi (2). Setelah mempelajari contoh tersebut, Anda bisa menyimak latihan soal descriptive text lengkap dengan pertanyaan yang akan dibuat berdasarkan teks yang Anda baca.

Contoh Latihan Soal Descriptive text

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh latihan soal descriptive text. Sebagai tips sebelum mengerjakan latihan soal, ada baiknya untuk mengidentifikasi jenis pertanyaan yang muncul.

Dengan mengetahui pertanyaan terlebih dahulu, Anda bisa menemukan bagian-bagian yang dimaksud dengan lebih cepat. Membaca keseluruhan teks cenderung menghabiskan waktu ketika mengerjakan soal yang sesungguhnya.

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4

Rose is plant with enchanting flowers from genus Rosa which has more than 100 species. This woody perennial plant grows in groups, allowing them to form climbing shrubs with prickles. Rose has various flowers in shape and sizes, making it one among popular flowering plants found in a house.
Most rose species are native to Asia, but some others are native to North America and Europe. It is typically grown for beauty and fragrant. Some species are used for commercial perfumery while some others are cut for ornamental flowers. In addition, rose also has minor medicinal uses.

1. What does the text tell about?
A. Gardening
B. Rose species
C. Flowers
D. How to grow rose plant
E. Where to plant rose

2. This statement is correct, except ….
A. Rose has more than 100 species
B. Rose is native to Asia
C. Rose can be used for ornamental plant
D. Rose only has one variant of shape and size
E. Rose can be used in perfume

3. It is typically grown … (paragraph 2). The word “it” refers to ….
A. Asia
B. Beauty
C. Rose species
D. Medicine
E. Commercial perfumery

4. Based on the text, which statement is true?
A. Rose has minor benefit for medicinal uses
B. People grow rose only for beauty
C. Rose is not a popular flowering plant
D. North America is not a native to rose species
E. Rose has less than 100 species

Read the following text for questions number 5 to 7

Indonesia or commonly known as Republic of Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries. Located between Pacific and Indian Ocean, it makes Indonesia the world’s largest archipelago country. Also called as Nusantara, this country has more than 17,000 islands. Having more than 261 million people,  Indonesia becomes 4th most populous country in the world. Indonesia has more ethnics, languages and culture than other countries. Data showed that Indonesia has several ethnic groups including Javanese, Sundanese, and other with more than 700 recognized regional language.

5. What makes Indonesia one of most populous countries in the world?

A. It is located in South East Asia
B. Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands
C. Indonesia has more than 261 million people
D. Indonesia is rich
E. It has more ethnics and languages

6. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
A. Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries
B. Indonesia is 4th most populous country
C. Ethnics and languages make Indonesia rich
D. Indonesia is an Asian country which has many cultures, ethnics, as well as people
E. Indonesia is located between Pacific and Indian Ocean

7. The world “located” can be best replaced by ….
A. Situated
B. Allocated
C. Happened
D. Borrowed
E. Surrounded

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.

I have a new cat, its name is Shorty. I call it Shorty because it is short than the other cats. My cat is a Persian cat with flat nose and fluffy hair. It has sharp, yellow eyes that glow in the dark. Shorty likes to run around the house, chasing any moving things. I like to see Shorty sleeping because it looks cute. Shorty does not like to eat canned food, instead it prefers fresh tuna.

8. My cat is ….. (line 1). The word “my” refers to ….
A. Reader
B. Cat
C. Writer
D. Mother
E. Tuna

9. Which breed is Shorty?
A. Persian
B. Angora
C. Half-breed
D. Domestic cat
E. Egypt

10. What does the writer tell about?
A. New toy
B. New cat named Shorty
C. Writer’s new hobby
D. Family
E. Job

Demikianlah artikel tentang Contoh Latihan Soal Descriptive Text, semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih

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